Jason Statham With His UK Precious Rolex Replica Watches

Why are so many famous film stars interested in the perfect fake Rolex watches with stainless steel cases? For example, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig and so on. However, it is also these popular celebrities that make Rolex more popular all over the world. Jason Statham is also a loyal fan of Rolex and he usually wore the Rolex to attend the activities.

Jason Statham is a loyal fan of vintage Rolex.
Black Dial Copy Rolex Ref.1655

It is worth mentioning that he wore a Rolex Explorer Steve McQueen ref.1655 for a long time. The imitation watch with Oystersteel case is easy to be recognized since the iconic feature of this cheap timepiece is the bright orange 24-hour hand. Now the price of that model has increased too much but perhaps due to the good taste, Jason got it before that.

Jason Statham always wore the Rolex Daytona in daily life.
Oystersteel Bracelet Knockoff Rolex Daytona

From the pictures he posted on Instagram you will see that he also loves the Paul Newman Daytona very much. The unique design and good taste of the Rolex Daytona copy watch with silver dial has attracted numerous watch lovers and collectors. Meanwhile, the price of these watches has increased a lot now.